

In an age marked by the intensification of polarization within public and political spheres, the International Association for the Study of Controversies (IASC) invites scholars, practitioners, and thinkers from various disciplines to contribute to our upcoming conference, “BEYOND POLARIZATION: Controversies as a Philosophical and Social Praxis”. This event aims to re-evaluate the role of controversy beyond mere disagreement, envisioning it as a vital, structured dialogue that fosters deeper understanding and transcends the quest for decisive victory.

Conference Rationale:

In an era characterized by the escalation of public and political discourse polarization, it becomes imperative to explore alternative avenues for dialogue and mutual understanding. This conference aims to delve into the concept of “controversy” as a potential antidote to this increasing polarization. At the core is the notion that controversy is not merely a disagreement to be resolved or an impediment to be overcome, but rather a complex and multifaceted philosophical and social praxis in its own right.

Viewed as structured dialogues aimed at deeper comprehension rather than decisive victory, controversies offer an alternative paradigm for interaction.

This model can function as a beneficialtool both in academic discourse and public life, especially in situations of conflict or profound division. The conference thereby seeks to scrutinize how the praxis of controversy can help unveil new layers of understanding, paving the way for more constructive dialogue and more harmonious interaction among diverse individuals and communities.

To this end, the conference will provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion, drawing from various fields of philosophy, social sciences, and even international relations to offer a comprehensive and nuanced landscape for tackling divisions that increasingly appear insurmountable.

Themes and Topics:

We welcome submissions that explore, but are not limited to, the following areas:

– Theoretical foundations of controversies as a philosophical practice

– Historical case studies of controversies fostering dialogue and understanding

– Methodological approaches to studying controversies

– The role of controversies in mediating political and public discourse

– Strategies for leveraging controversies for constructive dialogue

– Controversies in digital and social media: challenges and opportunities

– The impact of controversies on community building and social cohesion

– Interdisciplinary perspectives on controversies: contributions from philosophy, social sciences, international relations, and beyond

Submission Guidelines:

– Abstracts should be no more than 300 words, clearly outlining the argument, methodology, and relevance to the conference theme.

– Please include a brief bio with your submission, indicating your affiliation and area of research.

– Proposals should be submitted via email to [] by May 31st.

– Notification of acceptance will be sent by June 8th.

Conference Details:

– Date: August 2nd, during the World Congress of Philosophy, Rome 2024.

– Venue: Details to be announced.

Technical Notes:

– There are no participation fees for the IASC conference itself; however, registration for the World Congress of Philosophy is required. Please register at [].

– Further information on conference logistics, including venue details and the full program, will be available on the IASC website [].

This conference is not only a platform for intellectual exchange but also an opportunity for rekindling the spirit of dialogue in an era of heightened division. We look forward to your contributions to this critical discourse, exploring the potential of controversies to bridge divides and enrich our collective understanding.

Join us in transcending polarization through the praxis of controversy, illuminating paths toward a more dialogic and inclusive world.

Download the PDF of the CfP.


This page is open to all IASC members.
IASC members are kindly invited to upload their comments (links, events, bibliographies, research projects, programs of courses or schools, etc. related to the topic of controversies or polemics in general). IASC Members have just to follow indications received in the invitation email. For further information, do not hesitate to contact us:

TIL, University of Burgundy

Friday, 22 September 2017

“‘Literary Offenses’ and Other Contentious Matter” A one-day conference on Literary Controversy
in Great Britain and the United States (1800-1900)


DEF poster Budapest 2016


These posters – related to important initiatives at EXPO, Milan 2015 – come from prof. Adelino Cattani, former Treasurer of IASC.






iasc_2014_flyer-2di2 iasc-2014-flyer-1di2

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Paradoxes of Conflicts – IASC International Conference – Lecce (Italy), 2-4, XII 2014

The Italian word convegno, equivalent to the English terms workshops or conferences, is derived from the Latin word convenire, a verb composed of con and venire.

In the ancient Latin word, one can find two ideas simultaneously: walking to- gether towards a shared goal and, as a result of this confluence, the ideal of debating is obtained. In other words, discussing and finding together cannot be considered as two separate dimensions. They are part of a larger reality, consisting in a com- munity where people do research together.

This metaphor seems appropriate to describe the style of work of the IASC, and it is therefore within this context that the 2014 IASC International Conference can be collocated. Our conference brings together, in Lecce, from 2 to 4 December, twenty-five scholars from fifteen universities to discuss “Paradoxes of Conflicts.”

It seems to me that the accession of so many scholars can be considered, without exaggeration, not only a sign of vitality for our association, but more generally a sign of hope for the relevance of the topics.

The University of Salento, in its various articulations that made possible the organization of this important event, is pleased to share these aims and to welcome the distinguished speakers.

In principle, considering the list of papers, the actuality of the topic clearly emerges. When, one year ago, during the World Congress of Philosophy in Athens, we decided to dedicate our annual conference to conflicts, we could never imagine how timely it would be. Reading the different titles of the papers, one can notes that, according to the IASC tradition, the topic of conflict is studied from different angles: from philosophy to psychology, from nonviolence to studies of law, and so on.

At a more general level, this initiative confirms that IASC is not only a group of scholars united by a common interest, but a real community of women and men believing that the scientific debate is one of the most effective tools to improve the world. As a result, now the results of our Conference are expected not only by the scientific community.  [Continue]

Book of programme

Official Photo Book of the Conference

Interviews 1 (Alvarez-Barilan-Luiz-Amel-Vuolanto)

Interviews 2 (Pierri-Palese-Mannarini-Avanzini-Signore)

Interviews 3 (Panarello-Cattani-Lucrezi-Drago-Barrotta-Gruenpeter)


Ca în fiecare an, ne face plăcere să vă invităm la Salonul Internaţional de Carte Bookfest 2014, în cadrul căruia va fi prezentă şi Editura Ars Docendi.

Evenimentul, organizat de Asociaţia Editorilor din România, se va desfăşura în incinta Complexului Romexpo, în perioada 28 mai – 1 iunie 2014, invitatul de onoare al celei de-a IX-a ediţii fiind Polonia.

Editura Ars Docendi va fi prezentă în pavilionul C4, standul C31 cu cele mai importante titluri din domeniile universitar/ştiinţific şi cultural, având zilnic lansări şi prezentări de carte.

ars docendi



L’interdisciplinarità rappresenta un concetto spesso chiamato in causa quale sinonimo di dialogo tra saperi, in un abbinamento terminologico che, tuttavia, omette di problematizzare le necessarie articolazioni interne di quel rapporto. Quali sono i fattori che hanno portato alla compartimentazione tra le discipline così come oggi essa è sperimentata nella vita accademica? Che cosa c’è alla base della tassonomia tra multidisciplinarità, interdisciplinarità e transdisciplinarità? In che rapporto viene a trovarsi l’interdisciplinarità con la tradizionale distinzione tra cultura umanistica e cultura scientifica? È possibile demarcare la conoscenza interdisciplinare dalla conoscenza disciplinare e dalla conoscenza non scientifica? Infine, esistono e quali sono i modelli, le leggi che sottostanno alle descrizioni interdisciplinari? Olga Pombo insegna nel Dipartimento di storia e filosofia della scienza e dirige il CFCUL, Centro di ricerche di filosofia della scienza nell’Università di Lisbona, punto di riferimento mondiale per gli studi interdisciplinari. È autrice di diversi volumi, tradotti in molte lingue.IMG_1356 IMG_1344 IMG_1341 IMG_1339IMG_1341

2 thoughts on “Activities

  1. Giovanni Scarafile 31 August 2013 at 13:14

    FERNANDO GIL INTERNATIONAL PRIZE for the Philosophy of Science. The prize is launched as a joint initiative of the Portuguese government, represented by FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education), and FCG, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The Fernando Gil International Prize will be awarded every year in Lisbon and intends to reward a work of particular excellence, in the domain of the Philosophy of Science, by a researcher from any nationality or professional affiliation, published during the three previous years.
    – For more information:

  2. Giovanni Scarafile 15 December 2013 at 12:38

    Oltenia Colloquium in Early Modern Philosophy

    16-17 May 2014

    Craiova, Romania

    Leibniz`s Controversies on Substantial Forms

    The adoption of substantial forms in 1679 represents a very important moment in the metaphysical thinking of Leibniz. The adoption of substantial forms, in the same time a rehabilitation, seems to be a kind of a step back on the field of scholastics, even if Leibniz declares always his support for the modern philosophy.

    The colloquium ,,Leibniz’s Controversies on Substantial Forms” will be focus on the following directions:

    – controversies with scholastics
    – controversies with Cartesians
    – controversies on body, mind and consciousness
    – theological controversies
    – scientific controversies

    The languages: English, French
    Keynote speaker: Marcelo Dascal (Tel Aviv University)
    Deadline for title, abstract and CV: 15 March
    Deadline for full paper: 1st July

    Web page:
    Contact: Adrian Nita (

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